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-50 - 28
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Disclaimer: All historical records from this period are based on a combination of data collated from various sources and may not be exactly accurate. If any discrepancies are found, please contact the archive system immediately.
G.Y. -50 – -16 (T.Y. 2175-2209) – The Pre-Space Age
At this stage in its history, humanity was just recovering from one of its longest stand-offs, which could just as easily have led to an apocalyptic war that would have ended all life on the planet.
Years of simmering tension between the powerful Western Alliance & the rapidly rising Eastern Coalition had almost broken out into full-scale war. There were in fact many skirmishes in Europe and the Middle East, with a number of Alliance & Coalition bases coming under heavy air and missile attack, while many hundreds of thousands of soldiers perished in vicious ground battles.
Fortunately, with the spectre of full-scale war and nuclear holocaust around the corner, more rational minds in both camps realised the danger and a hasty armistice ended the conflict. The United Alliance was formed, a council of some of the world’s most powerful nations, which regulated proceedings and dictated policies to the rest of the world. The realization of how close mankind had come to wiping itself out led to a feeling that after so much strife mankind must do everything in it’s power to ensure its survival. Focus was therefore diverted to the environment and ways in which to enable development of land and resources, with as little damage to the Earth’s ecology as possible.
In spite of these measures, one thing was becoming increasingly clear…the world was running out of space and resources. To survive, humanity had to expand to other worlds. Thus, space exploration, for the first time since hostilities began two decades ago, was once again given priority.
The Space Development Authority, consisting of some of the brightest scientific and technical minds on the planet was set up. Different nations collaborated to speed up work on the International Space Station and expeditions to other planets in the solar system were planned.
In 2205, the first Research & Monitoring stations were set up on the Moon and Pluto and in 2208 the first colony was set up in Mars.
Despite all these successes, mankind was still trapped inside the confines of its solar system. Tests with Fusion Propulsion Drives, based on the Ramjet principle were initiated, but met little success. No way was found that would allow spaceships to escape beyond the limits of the solar system itself.
That was of course until a helping hand, in the form of the Arceans came…
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