G.Y. 29 (T.Y. 2254)
The T.A.S. Enterprise, commanded by Captain Theodorus Clark (the original captain had been Dan Higgins) was at the forefront of the action, sending back ultrawave holo feeds and data streams that kept Allied Command informed of the progress of the war. Technical analysts pored for months over the specs of huge Drengin Battleships, tough Battle Frigates and battle tested Escorts – all armed with Kra’tak missiles that were comparable to the Harpoon AMS and the small Defenders, armed with the ridiculously powerful Psyonic missiles. Meanwhile the military and strategic experts watched in horror the almost real-time decimation of the Torian ships. Although the Torians fought bravely, their ships were surrounded and destroyed by the Drengin Killer Fleets…the border between the 2 civilizations was littered with debris (mostly Torian). Meanwhile the Enterprise’s sensors detected a steady stream of Freighters, carrying fleeing Torian refugees. Most of them even made it to safety, but a few of them were intercepted by Drengin ships and either captured or destroyed.
Then, disaster struck. An Alliance Seeker class Scout Ship – the T.A.S. Discovery, while monitoring activity on the western Drengin-Torian border was intercepted and destroyed by a massive Drengin Battleship, launched from a nearby planet. Starfleet Command immediately responded by warning all nearby ships to withdraw from Drengin space immediately. Receiving this directive, Captain Theodorus Clark immediately ordered the crew to turn the Enterprise around and make for Alliance space as fast as possible.
The real action began a few months later, when sensors on the Omega 6 Battle Station detected an incoming Yor warship from the Collective’s territories…but captained by a Drengin crew and carrying the rusty brown and red colours of the Empire. Allied Intelligence had sent reports that the Yor had handed over some of their Frigates and Escorts to the Drengin, to help their cause. President Bradley decided to make a stand and told Commander Hartford to warn all Drengin ships to keep away from Alliance space. He knew that if he let the new Drengin ships just waltz through the Alliance space, not only would he give the impression that the Terrans were weak and vulnerable, but also further alienate the Torians and Altairians (who were already sore because the Alliance hadn’t joined the fight yet).
The Drengin commander, as predicted, did not withdraw despite several warnings but kept moving deeper into Alliance territory. This left Alan Bradley with no option but to declare war. And then all hell broke loose.
The former Yor Frigate was one of the newer models, armed with Nano-Rippers and faster as well as larger than the Alliance Novas. In the end it took an entire Alliance Squadron (of Novas and Longbows) to destroy the monster…with one cruiser – the T.A.S. Felix suffering massive damage. In the course of the next few months, 3 more borrowed Yor ships (1 Frigate and 2 Escorts) entering Alliance space were destroyed, though another of the Escorts managed to make it through safely. The Terrans lost 3 ships in these battles (1 Nova and 2 Longbows), while several others were damaged.
Meanwhile, Drengin Imperial Command had accorded the destruction of the T.A.S. Enterprise as their number one priority. 3 full Killer Fleets gave chase to the Enterprise as it fled across almost half the galaxy in order to evade its pursuers. Although one Killer Fleet eventually gave up and returned, the others continued the chase. The Drengin commanders were so confident that they thought that even if they might not be able to catch the Enterprise, the 2 remaining Killer Fleets would burn through the Alliance Southern Colonization Zone…destroying all ships and Starbases in their way. This would not only humiliate the Terrans but also expose the weakness of the Alliance Navy and maybe embolden the Yor Collective to attack. They also successfully negotiated a peace treaty to which the Torians and Altairians hastily agreed, leaving the Alliance high and dry (this would lead to some bad blood between the Alliance and their allies later on).
To deal with the Drengin threat, Commander Hartford started to build up his forces in the SCZ. He was confident that they would be able to stop the Drengin, but with heavy casualties (the Novas and Longbows were outgunned by the Drengin Thra’kath M5 Battle Frigates that made up the bulk of the 2 incoming Killer Fleets).
That’s when designers at Orion Industries came to the rescue. Using new miniaturization techniques learned by the Alliance from the Snathi (in one of their last deals before hostilities started) they came up with the new Nexus class Missile Cruiser. Armed with 3 Harpoon AMS launchers (instead of 2), and equipped with the Novaris Warp II Engines, the 1,100 ft long Nexus had 1.5 times the firepower and twice the speed of the Nova…but with a slightly reduced range. Crewed by 50 personnel, the Nexus was considered a match for the Drengin M-5…and this would soon be put to the test.

The Nexus class Missile Cruiser
In a desperate move, Alliance Command tried to upgrade as many Novas in the frontier region as possible before the Drengin arrived. 3 squadrons were refitted…including the soon to be famous Ranger and Wolf Squadrons. The remaining 3 squadrons in the area consisted of a mix of Novas and Longbows. And then the Drengin arrived…
The T.A.S. Enterprise, commanded by Captain Theodorus Clark (the original captain had been Dan Higgins) was at the forefront of the action, sending back ultrawave holo feeds and data streams that kept Allied Command informed of the progress of the war. Technical analysts pored for months over the specs of huge Drengin Battleships, tough Battle Frigates and battle tested Escorts – all armed with Kra’tak missiles that were comparable to the Harpoon AMS and the small Defenders, armed with the ridiculously powerful Psyonic missiles. Meanwhile the military and strategic experts watched in horror the almost real-time decimation of the Torian ships. Although the Torians fought bravely, their ships were surrounded and destroyed by the Drengin Killer Fleets…the border between the 2 civilizations was littered with debris (mostly Torian). Meanwhile the Enterprise’s sensors detected a steady stream of Freighters, carrying fleeing Torian refugees. Most of them even made it to safety, but a few of them were intercepted by Drengin ships and either captured or destroyed.
Then, disaster struck. An Alliance Seeker class Scout Ship – the T.A.S. Discovery, while monitoring activity on the western Drengin-Torian border was intercepted and destroyed by a massive Drengin Battleship, launched from a nearby planet. Starfleet Command immediately responded by warning all nearby ships to withdraw from Drengin space immediately. Receiving this directive, Captain Theodorus Clark immediately ordered the crew to turn the Enterprise around and make for Alliance space as fast as possible.
The real action began a few months later, when sensors on the Omega 6 Battle Station detected an incoming Yor warship from the Collective’s territories…but captained by a Drengin crew and carrying the rusty brown and red colours of the Empire. Allied Intelligence had sent reports that the Yor had handed over some of their Frigates and Escorts to the Drengin, to help their cause. President Bradley decided to make a stand and told Commander Hartford to warn all Drengin ships to keep away from Alliance space. He knew that if he let the new Drengin ships just waltz through the Alliance space, not only would he give the impression that the Terrans were weak and vulnerable, but also further alienate the Torians and Altairians (who were already sore because the Alliance hadn’t joined the fight yet).
The Drengin commander, as predicted, did not withdraw despite several warnings but kept moving deeper into Alliance territory. This left Alan Bradley with no option but to declare war. And then all hell broke loose.
The former Yor Frigate was one of the newer models, armed with Nano-Rippers and faster as well as larger than the Alliance Novas. In the end it took an entire Alliance Squadron (of Novas and Longbows) to destroy the monster…with one cruiser – the T.A.S. Felix suffering massive damage. In the course of the next few months, 3 more borrowed Yor ships (1 Frigate and 2 Escorts) entering Alliance space were destroyed, though another of the Escorts managed to make it through safely. The Terrans lost 3 ships in these battles (1 Nova and 2 Longbows), while several others were damaged.
Meanwhile, Drengin Imperial Command had accorded the destruction of the T.A.S. Enterprise as their number one priority. 3 full Killer Fleets gave chase to the Enterprise as it fled across almost half the galaxy in order to evade its pursuers. Although one Killer Fleet eventually gave up and returned, the others continued the chase. The Drengin commanders were so confident that they thought that even if they might not be able to catch the Enterprise, the 2 remaining Killer Fleets would burn through the Alliance Southern Colonization Zone…destroying all ships and Starbases in their way. This would not only humiliate the Terrans but also expose the weakness of the Alliance Navy and maybe embolden the Yor Collective to attack. They also successfully negotiated a peace treaty to which the Torians and Altairians hastily agreed, leaving the Alliance high and dry (this would lead to some bad blood between the Alliance and their allies later on).
To deal with the Drengin threat, Commander Hartford started to build up his forces in the SCZ. He was confident that they would be able to stop the Drengin, but with heavy casualties (the Novas and Longbows were outgunned by the Drengin Thra’kath M5 Battle Frigates that made up the bulk of the 2 incoming Killer Fleets).
That’s when designers at Orion Industries came to the rescue. Using new miniaturization techniques learned by the Alliance from the Snathi (in one of their last deals before hostilities started) they came up with the new Nexus class Missile Cruiser. Armed with 3 Harpoon AMS launchers (instead of 2), and equipped with the Novaris Warp II Engines, the 1,100 ft long Nexus had 1.5 times the firepower and twice the speed of the Nova…but with a slightly reduced range. Crewed by 50 personnel, the Nexus was considered a match for the Drengin M-5…and this would soon be put to the test.
The Nexus class Missile Cruiser
In a desperate move, Alliance Command tried to upgrade as many Novas in the frontier region as possible before the Drengin arrived. 3 squadrons were refitted…including the soon to be famous Ranger and Wolf Squadrons. The remaining 3 squadrons in the area consisted of a mix of Novas and Longbows. And then the Drengin arrived…
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